20 July 2009

Fleamarket Clown

Fleamarket Clown, originally uploaded by Karstein Volle.

In other words, more travel pics up on Flickr. Go look!

13 July 2009

More pics up on flickr

landland, originally uploaded by Karstein Volle.

Just click this pic and enjoy the flick.

12 July 2009

Trekking around Europe

Blogging from phone at Caz and Darrens flat in Edmonton, London. Left Helsinki Monday morning, watched a norwegian marching band in Pärnu, slept in a guest house close to Kaudas, Lithuania, got stared at in a spooky village in Poland, ate half a duck and slept on a boat in Gdansk, made comics in Berlin, blogged from the car close to Düsseldorf, watched Holland, Belgium and France swish by from the car window, saw the cliffs of Dover while smoking cigarette on a boat, saw three bands and went clubbing in Soho.
It's been a pretty interesting week, to put it mildly.
Check out Flickr for more.

02 July 2009


Check out today's Fingerpori!
Who could that guy with the moustache be?